Cincinnati Observatory
Each Fall the ATS has held its annual meeting in proximity to
historic observatories and astronomical instrumentstion in the United
States, Canada, and more recently, in Europe.
The Society also rotates its meetings to varying locations to best
accommodate the access to its many far spread members.
The meetings generally cover 3-6 days, depending on location,
scheduled papers and events, and span over a weekend.
Below are the next upcoming meeting locations.
#14: 2005 Cincinnati, OH, USA
October 7-10
The 14th Annual Convention of the Antique Telescope Society will be held in
Cincinnati, OH, on Friday, October 7 through Sunday, October 9, 2005 with a
tour of local observatories on Monday, October 10.
2005 ATS Convention Speakers & Form
#17: 2008 Holland - Symposium celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the Telescope
We look forward to welcoming as many attendees as possible (both ATS members and others) to each
annual meeting. Please join us.

Cincinnati Observatory website
Prior Conventions
#13: 2004 Nantucket, MA - Maria Mitchell Observatory
#12: 2003 Denver, CO - Chamberlin Observatory
#11: 2002 Dublin, Ireland - Lord Rosse's Observatory at Birr Castle, ...
#10: 2001 Pittsburgh, PA, USA - Allegheny Obs., John Brashear, etc.