ATS - Links to the Past
Internet links to other related sites of interest: Observatories and Telescopes; Privately Held Instrumentation; Publications - Books, Magazines, Postcards, etc.
Observatories and Telescopes
Allegheny Observatory
Pittsburgh, PA
History of Allegheny Observatory
Allegheny Obs. Telescopes
Dollond 9-inch, Brera Observatory
Brera Observatory
Milan, Italy
History of the Instruments at Brera Observatory
(Database: antique telescopes, clocks, micrometers, etc.)
Databases: Ancient Library - Archive - Atlases, etc.
Mars - w/Schiaparelli's use of Merz 8.6-inch refractor - Brera
Dollond 9-inch, Brera Observatory
Denver, CO
Clark 20" Refractor - 1890
Chamberlin Observatory Virtual Tour
Chamberlin Observatory Home Page
Clark 20-inch, Chamberlin Observatory
Cincinnati, OH
Clark 8" Refractor - 1880 Clark 8-inch, Cincinnati Ast. Soc.
Cincinnati, OH
Merz and Mahler 11-inch Refractor - 1843
Clark 16" Refractor - 1903
C.O. Home Page - Early image of observatory
Observatory history in pictures
Merz and Mahler 11-inch, Cincinnati Observatory
College Northfield, MN
16.2-inch Brashear Refractor - 1890
History Of Goodsell Observatory
16.2-inch Brashear Refractor, Goodsell Observatory
Harvard College
Cambridge, MA
The Merz and Mahler 15-inch Refractor - 1847
The Clark 9-inch Refractor - 1912
The Oak Ridge Obs. 61-inch Wyeth Reflector
Oak Ridge Observatory Wyeth Reflector Dome
Merz and Mahler 15-inch, Harvard College Observatory
Syracuse, NY
8-inch Clark - ca. 1886
Holden Observatory Rededication - 1998
Clark 8-inch, Holden Observatory
Hopkins Observatory,
Williams College
Williamstown, MA
History of Hopkins Observatory from 1832
A Pictorial History of Hopkins Observatory
Clark 8-inch, Holden Observatory
Ladd Observatory
Brown University
Providence, RI
12-inch Brashear
12-inch Brashear , Ladd Observatory, RI
Lick Observatory
Mount Hamilton, CA
The History of Lick Observatory
Instruments that are or were on Mount Hamilton
Mt.Hamilton Scope Manuals, Tech. Descriptions, etc.
A Brief Account of the Lick Obs.: 1894, 1895, & 1902
36-inch Clark , Lick Observatory, CA
Lowell Observatory
Flagstaff, AZ
The 24" Clark Refractor
Lowell Observatory - Flagstaff, Arizona
Lowell Observatory - Short History
24-inch Clark , Lowell Observatory, AZ
Meudon, France
History of Meudon
[with images of the 62cm (24-inch) refractor - 1896]

in French - English Translation
24-inch Henry Bros. refractor , Moudon Observatory, France
Mount Wilson
Mount Wilson, CA
60-inch reflector Telescope - 1908
100-inch Hooker Telescope - 1917
Mount Wilson Historical Pictures Archive
100-inch Hooker reflector, Mt. Wilson Obs.
Pic du Midi
Pyrénées, France
Le Pic du Midi en Cartes Postales (Old Postcards)
in French - English Translation
La vie au Pic du Midi (Old Postcards)
in French - English Translation
Pic du Midi Obs., France
Roper Mountain
Science Center
Greenville, SC
The Charles E. Daniel Observatory
The Roper Mountain Astronomers - 23-inch Clark
A Living Legend: The Alvan Clark [23"] Refractor - 1882
(23" Originally from Princeton's Halsted Observatory)
Halsted Observatory, Princeton (1865-1932)
Halsted Observatory, Princeton
Clark 23-inch Roper Mountain, Greenville, SC
U.S. Naval
Washington, DC
Clark 26" Refracting Telescope - 1873
Saegmuller/Clark 12" Refracting Telescope - ca. 1874
Saegmuller/Clark 12" Refracting Telescope
Clark 5" Refracting Telescope - ca. 1874
The USNO Virtual Tour
The Face on the Pier
(University of VT)
Burlington, VT
UVM's Alvan Clark 9" Refracting Telescope - 1905
Whitin Observatory
Wellesley College
Wellesley, MA
6 inch Clark telescope - 1900
12 inch Clark telescope - 1867
24-inch Boller & Chivens Reflector - 1966
Observatory History
Observatory Images
Clark 12-inch, Whitin Observatory
Yerkes Observatory
University of
Williams Bay, WI
The 40-inch Clark Telescope - 1897
Yerkes Observatory Virtual Tour
Clark 40-inch, Yerkes Observatory
Privately Held Instrumentation
8-inch Fitz
The History of Erard Matthiessen's 8" HENRY GILES FITZ Refractor - Bart Fried
Publications - Books, Magazines, Postcards, etc.
Antique Observatory Postcards - Scanned images