Antique Telescope Society - Thematic Work Shops
2008 WorkShop
The Vintage Observatory:
Thriving in the 21st Century

>> Final Program <<
>> Abstracts <<
>> Logistics <<

On behalf of the Antique Telescope Society and the Cincinnati Observatory, we would like to announce the ATS's first thematic workshop "The Vintage Observatory: Thriving in the 21st Century," to be held Friday-Sunday May 2-4, 2008 at the Cincinnati Observatory Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. The 2nd announcement, and call for papers are here in pdf format. Abstracts are due by April 11, 2008. Also included in the above are a Preliminary Program, Background Information, and REGISTRATION FORM.

Although in the tradition of past ATS regional meetings, this thematic workshop is of far greater than regional interest, as the plight of the vintage observatory is nationwide and perhaps worldwide. On the eve of the 400th anniversary of the telescope, this invitation is being extended not only to ATS members, but also to educators, curators, restorers, fundraisers, and all others from anywhere in the world concerned with the preservation of both our astronomical and cultural heritage. Please feel free to forward this announcement to anyone you feel may have an interest, including other historical or astronomical lists.

Because the regular annual ATS convention in 2008 will be in Holland in September, this thematic workshop may present some members with an ATS two-fer in 2008 (or at least one ATS gathering that quadricentennial year for others unable to make the overseas trip).

Every effort is being made to keep costs as low as possible so that individuals associated with modest institutions may be able to afford to attend. Registration details will follow later in the year: this first announcement is intended primarily to encourage people to reserve the dates of May 2-4, 2008, to contemplate

Cincinnati Observatory website

submitting an abstract for a presentation, and to indicate their interest in receiving later announcements contact
Those wishing to ascertain advance arrangements may contact the logistics coordinator Valierie Niemi at All other queries may be directed to the local organizers or the papers chairs, listed below.

~ Trudy E. Bell

Local Organizers:
      Cincinnati Observatory Center
      3489 Observatory Place
      Cincinnati, OH 45208
   ~ Craig Niemi, Exec. Director, (513) 321-5186 x1
   ~ John E. Ventre, Historian, (513) 321-5186 x4
Papers Co-chairs:
   ~ Trudy E. Bell, M.A., (216) 221-5008
   ~ Craig B. Waff, Ph.D., (937)-255-5095
Travel/Logistics/Accommodations Coordinator:
   ~ Valerie Niemi, Prestige Travel

To receive subsequent announcements and further information, please contact Trudy E. Bell at