Antique Telescope Society - Convention & Workshops
2017 : "Mount Wilson Observatory"

Mount Wilson Observatory

The Antique Telescope Society's 25th Annual Convention

On October 6 through October 8, 2017, the Antique Telescope Society will hold its 26th
Annual Convention at Mount Wilson Observatory in Pasadena, CA. Details to be available soon.

Hooker 100-inch

Hosted by Mount Wilson Observatory - Pasadena, CA

General Schedule:
Oct. 6-8 | ATS 26th Annual Convention Sessions & Other activities (TBA) |
Oct. 9 | Observatory Tours |

2017 Call for Papers (available soon)
2017 Convention Registration and Schedule (available soon)

Getting Ready at the Hooker

Mount Wilson Observatory from the air


Prior Conventions
Each year the ATS holds its annual meeting in proximity to
historic observatories and astronomical instrumentstion in the United
States, Canada, and in Europe.
The Society rotates its meetings to varying locations to best
accommodate the access for its many far spread members.
Each meeting generally covers 3-5 days, depending on the location,
scheduled papers, and events, and spans over a weekend.
#25: 2016 Flagstaff, AZ - "Return to Mars Hill" - Lowell Observatory
#24: 2015 Mt. Hamilton, CA - “A Star is Reborn" - Lick Observatory
#23: 2014 Northfield, MN - “The Prairie’s Starry Messenger" - Goodsell Observatory
WS: 2014 Cincinnati, OH - Special symposium in honor of Craig Waff
#22: 2013 Madison, WI - "On Wisconsin" - U. of WI Observatory
#21: 2012 Hamburg, Germany - The Centennial Celebration of Hamburg Observatory
#20: 2011 Tucson, AZ - Kitt Peak & Whipple Observatories & Steward Mirror Lab
#19: 2010 Charlottesville, VA - Leander McCormick Observatory
#18: 2009 Detroit, MI - Detroit Observatory
#17: 2008 Leiden, Netherlands - Boerhaave Museum
WS: 2008 Cincinnati, OH - Cincinnati Observatory (Workshop)
#16: 2007 Greenville, SC - Roper Mountain Science Center
#15: 2006 Fort Davis, TX - McDonald Observatory
#14: 2005 Cincinnati, OH - Cincinnati Observatory
#13: 2004 Nantucket, MA - Maria Mitchell Observatory
#12: 2003 Denver, CO - Chamberlin Observatory
#11: 2002 Dublin, Ireland - Lord Rosse's Observatory at Birr Castle, ...
#10: 2001 Pittsburgh, PA - Allegheny Observatory, John Brashear, etc.
#9: 2000 Flagstaff, AZ - Lowell Observatory
#8: 1999 Victoria, BC, Canada - Dominion Observatory
#7: 1998 Boston, MA - Harvard Observatory
#6: 1997 Pasadena, CA - Mt. Wilson & Palomar Observatories
#5: 1996 Bath, England - Univ. London, Cambridge, & Greenwich Observatories
#4: 1995 Philadelphia, PA - Swarthmore Observatory
#3: 1994 Santa Clara, CA - Chabot, & Lick Observatory
#2: 1993 Williams Bay, WI - Yerkes Observatory
#1: 1992 Washington, DC - U.S. Naval Observatory